Diabetes Day by Day

Sharing My Story: Danielle

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Danielle has been living with type 2 diabetes for seven years. She’s written two books to empower and educate others living with diabetes. This is her story: 

Hello, my name is Danielle, and I'm a type 2 diabetic.

I was first diagnosed back in 2013, and I instantly went into denial because I could not believe I was a diabetic. I instantly stereotyped what and who I should be as someone with diabetes. 

I was in denial for a very long time, but when my first symptom showed up, I took control of my life and became a fighting machine against this disease. 

I became an author with my first book, Let Go My Glucose. In it, I was very transparent about my life and what I learned being a diabetic and I’m currently working on my second book called, Diabetes Made Better.

My mission now is to empower and educate people with diabetes to live, feel and look good and not live for the numbers.

More on type 2 diabetes

Do you have a story to tell about your experience with diabetes? Share it with us here.