Diabetes Day by Day

Sharing My Story: Brent

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Brent Adame lives in Midwest City, Oklahoma, and is committed to thriving despite living with type 2 diabetes. This is his story:

A couple of weeks before COVID-19 shut the economy down, I noticed my eyesight was getting blurry and my appetite was insatiable!

I continued with my lifestyle, afraid to go to the doctor. I tested my glucose levels at a friend's about a month ago and was 359 and at one point 401. I got nervous and blew it off for a week. Then I got diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and nearly died.

Learn about DKA

I checked myself out of the hospital about 34 hours later. I assumed I'd die at home comfortably.

Five days later I saw a physician and he prescribed Metformin and Glyburide. I have been exercising and taking my pills for 17 days now and I just tested at 121mg/dl. 

If there's any chance of reversing this disease I WILL BE THE ONE TO DO IT! The physician told me I would have type 2 diabetes forever and I'm determined to prove him wrong! Don't ever give up hope on yourself and what you are capable of doing with willpower and determination. LIVE YOUR LIFE!