Press release

The American Diabetes Association® Calls for Unity and Equity During American Diabetes Month with We Stand Greater Than Campaign

October 30, 2020 | Arlington, Virginia

Together, we can conquer diabetes and everything that comes with it. #WeStandGreaterThan

American Diabetes Month™ (ADM) will kick off next week, and the American Diabetes Association® (ADA) is asking the diabetes community to rise up! Right now, everything seems to be conspiring to try to make us feel powerless, afraid and small. The non-stop flood of bad news, bleak forecasts and unrelenting heartbreak can be suffocating. Our country is still living through unimaginably tough times and people living with diabetes continue to be severely impacted. 

During the pandemic, many of the 34 million people living with diabetes have lost their jobs and as a result have lost their healthcare and we know that those living with poorly managed diabetes are at higher risk of experiencing serious complications if they contract COVID-19. 40% of American COVID-19 deaths are people who have had diabetes. During ADM, we will take a deep dive into the existing systemic inequities in American health care, existing barriers to access care and medications, and the resources to maintain overall wellness with the disease. We Stand Greater Than it all and the time is now to band together undivided to drive needed change.

"Health inequity is obvious and widespread. It contributes to worse outcomes and higher risk for diabetes and many other diseases. And it undermines the wellbeing of most Americans,” said Tracey D. Brown, CEO of the ADA. “This is why the ADA has taken on this fight. To ensure that no one goes without proper care or access to the medications they need to survive—because we know that good health and health care is a human right!”

This month, we challenge you to educate yourself, know your rights, ask questions, make impactful lifestyle changes and step outside of your comfort zone. Whether you have type 1, type 2 or gestational diabetes, or are a health care provider, caregiver or friend to someone living with diabetes, we ask that you join us and become a part of this movement because #WeStandGreaterThan. Visit /GreaterThan to learn more.

The ADA is pleased to collaborate with our national sponsor CVS Pharmacy® on this year’s ADM campaign.


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About the American Diabetes Association
Every day more than 4,000 people are newly diagnosed with diabetes in America. More than 122 million Americans have diabetes or prediabetes and are striving to manage their lives while living with the disease. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) is the nation’s leading voluntary health organization fighting to bend the curve on the diabetes epidemic and help people living with diabetes thrive. For 80 years the ADA has been driving discovery and research to treat, manage and prevent diabetes, while working relentlessly for a cure. We help people with diabetes thrive by fighting for their rights and developing programs, advocacy and education designed to improve their quality of life. Diabetes has brought us together. What we do next will make us Connected for Life. To learn more or to get involved, visit us at or call 1-800-DIABETES (1-800-342-2383). Join the fight with us on Facebook (American Diabetes Association), Twitter (@AmDiabetesAssn) and Instagram (@AmDiabetesAssn).